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Buck You! (Buck Cowboys Book 2) Page 16
Buck You! (Buck Cowboys Book 2) Read online
Page 16
I almost argued with her, because I had every confidence in her ability to ride Grave Digger. But I respected her decisions, and if she said she wasn’t ready for Grave Digger yet, then I wasn’t going to fight her on it. At this point in her comeback, because that’s what this would be, I would be happy if she rode a freaking dairy cow. I just wanted her to get back on the horse. Or the bull, as the case was here.
I shooed Axel’s big tan ass up into the chute and then climbed it myself to help. We worked as an effortless team, not needing to talk in order to get the ropes on and get Summer on the bull’s back.
Like a good boy, he just stood still and let us get on with it. Summer took the rope from my hand, running hers over the resin that helped her glove stick.
But then she started fidgeting. Moving around, adjusting herself then shifting back to where she’d begun. She was overthinking it. Overcomplicating things instead of just letting muscle memory kick in and take control. I could see her brain whirring a mile a minute, and pretty soon, she’d psych herself out. She just needed to rip off the Band-Aid.
The bull lurched, and when Summer lifted her head to counteract his movements, her eyes were full of fear.
She needed to get out of her head. A distraction. Something that pulled her out of wherever she’d just gone.
“Right, so no going down on you all night when you have to ride the next day?”
Her head snapped up. “Huh?”
“You’re moving around on that bull like someone’s tongue was on your clit all night. Seriously, Summer, quit being so obvious. If we were at a rodeo, you’d have totally given us away.”
She glared at me, but the corner of her mouth curved up, and she jerked her head toward the dirt. “Go open the damn gate, then!”
She didn’t have to tell me twice. I jumped the fence, grabbed the gate rope, and double-checked she was ready. She crossed her bad arm over her chest, her fingers as tight around the strap of her tank top as her other hand was on the rope.
She nodded.
Of course she fucking did. Because she was a badass like that. She was scared, but she wasn’t letting it own her. Not anymore.
I yanked open the gate, and Axel burst into the ring with a strong kick of his back legs.
Summer shifted her weight, leaning the opposite direction to keep herself balanced. He spun into an easy right-hand turn, jerking his head, his tail swishing like a whip through the air.
“Come on!” I yelled.
She so had this.
The timer, automatically set off by the opening of the gate, counted up to the five-second mark.
But then Axel abruptly changed directions, catching Summer of guard. She slumped forward and then somersaulted over the bull’s shoulder, landing on the ground.
Disappointment flooded me, but I couldn’t let that distract me. My job wasn’t done. I ran out, running a circle around Axel, drawing his attention away from Summer and onto me.
To my relief, she popped straight up from the ground and easily made her way to the other side of the ring, well away from where Axel trotted back to his pen.
As soon as he was safely out, I ran straight back to Summer’s side. “Hey. You okay?”
I expected defeat. I expected the fear to be back, only tenfold.
But Summer’s eyes glinted with determination. “Get me another bull.”
I stared at her, my complete and utter admiration for her growing in every second. “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah. That was amazing. I need to do more core work. It’s harder without my arm for balance. And my legs aren’t as strong as they were.”
“But they will be,” I said fiercely.
She turned wild, excited eyes on me, and her smile grew until it took over her entire expression. “I know hard work.”
“I know you do.”
“I’m not scared of it.”
“Fuck no.”
Her expression was fierce. “We’re going to have to get approval for me to ride.”
“Brad Pruitt ain’t going to say no to this, Summer. He’ll milk your story to every news outlet there is, because your comeback is going to be huge.”
Her eyes lit up with the thought. “You really think I can ride like this?”
I cupped her face with both hands and tilted her chin up to face me. “I think the boys on tour better watch their starting spots. Because Summer Hunt is back and coming for them.”
She threw her good arm around me, and I swept her tiny frame off the ground and into a bear hug.
She was going to take the bull riding world by storm once more. And I was going to be the guy who stood at her back and cheered her every damn step of the way.
I was the guy who should have been there all along. I was just taking my rightful spot. And I wasn’t going to give it up to anyone.
“Happy birthday! Again.” Hallie drew me in for a hug, kissed my cheek, and handed me a gift-wrapped package that was suspiciously shaped like a bottle of bourbon.
“Thanks.” I hugged her back. She’d already wished me a happy birthday on Monday, when she’d come back from riding with Frost and the trainees. But Summer had decided it would be better to have a weekend cookout, rather than try to fit it into a weeknight, so it had actually been several days since my birthday.
I shook hands with Nate who came out to the back of Frost and Addie’s house, a case of beer tucked under his free arm. “Ice in buckets over there,” I directed. “Summer already has the grill going, so won’t be long until food is up.”
The two of them wandered off, threading their way around a group of the trainees who were talking and drinking in a huddle, in between shooting secretive little looks at Callie and Lennon. Neither seemed to notice. Callie was deep in conversation with Preston again, while Lennon pretended she didn’t see. I shrugged. Whatever was going on with the three of them was too complicated for me.
I beelined for Summer and stood next to her, watching her cook hamburgers. When I thought no one was paying attention, I nudged her, letting my arm linger against hers a moment longer than necessary. “Looks good.”
She darted a glance around us, making sure no one was in earshot before answering. “So do you.”
It was a casual get-together, despite the gaudy decorations and fairy lights Summer had strung across the backyard. But I’d still wanted to make an effort for her, so I’d showered and trimmed the stubble beard I’d been rocking ever since I got here. Splashed on a bit of cologne and done my hair for once, instead of putting on a hat. I liked that she’d noticed.
But I didn’t look half as good as she did. A tiny pair of cutoff jeans hugged her ass and revealed long brown legs. Her tank top was just the tiniest bit too short and showed a sliver of toned belly whenever she reached to flip the burgers at the back of the grill.
I leaned in closer and whispered, “How much longer are we doing the secret sneaking around thing? Because I really want to kiss you right now.”
She grinned up at me, and damn if her smile wasn’t perfect. It had my heart thumping triple time, and I really wanted nothing more than to lay my lips down on hers, in front of all our friends and her family. I wanted them to know we were together. But I got why we were on the down-low. Just yesterday, I’d gotten stuck in the feed store while Mr. Morrison grilled me about Summer and Austin’s breakup. Around here, the men were as big of gossips as anyone. In a way, I couldn’t blame them. There wasn’t a lot else to do, and the breakup of a long-term relationship, especially from a family as high-profile as the Hunts, was big news.
“Yeah?” she whispered. “What else do you want to do?”
What didn’t I want to do with her? I’d spent all week learning how best to get her off with just my mouth and my fingers, but I’d held off on actually sleeping with her. I didn’t want to rush her, but damnit, when she gazed at me the way she was right now, all I wanted to do was throw her over my shoulder, storm back to my cabin, and spend the night
deep inside her. I clenched my fingers around my beer bottle a little harder to keep from actually doing it. “Playing with fire, Sum.”
She motioned to the flames beneath the grill, innocent smile plastered across her face. “Just cooking burgers.”
“Mmm-hmm.” I was suddenly very eager for this cookout to be over, and it hadn’t even started.
Addie sailed by with a tray of snacks and gave the two of us a sidelong glance. I moved half a step away from Summer, because I really was standing closer than a friend would. Addie winked, making me realize we weren’t fooling her. Oops. I wondered how many other people had worked it out.
“Dom.” Addie set down her snacks on one of the picnic tables. “I’ve got a surprise for you later.”
“You do? What?”
She brushed off her hands on her long summer dress and frowned at me. “Would hardly be a surprise if I told you, would it?” She wandered off to talk to Kai before I could prod her any further.
“What’s that about?” I asked Summer.
She shrugged. “Probably the birthday cake she ordered. It’s kinda extravagant. I think my mom likes you.”
I grinned. “I’m more concerned whether her daughter does.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Callie or Lennon?”
I glared at her, and she cracked up laughing. But then her gaze caught on something over my shoulder. “Is that your brother?”
I squinted in the direction she was pointing, putting a hand up over my eyes to shield it from the sun. There was a figure wandering around near the bull pen, clutching a gift bag. He had a cowboy hat pulled down on his head, and I immediately recognized it as the one Felix had worn at the honky-tonk where we’d first met. “Yeah, seems like it. I’ll go grab him.”
I hustled across the lawn and then down the gravel road that weaved its way around this part of the property. “Felix!”
He jolted from his spot by the bull pens, spinning around, a grin spreading across his face when he saw it was me.
“Hey. Heard it was your birthday.” He gave me a one-armed hug and thrust the giftbag into my hands. “It’s nothing much.”
I opened it up, and inside on a bed of fluffy tissue paper, were two tickets to a baseball game in Atlanta. “This is awesome. Thank you.”
He shoved a hand in his pocket, looking awkward at my gratitude. “I figured you could take Summer—”
“Or you and I could go together…”
He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“I’d like that.”
“Me, too.”
I pressed the tape that held the bag closed down again, so I wouldn’t lose the tickets. “What are you doing all the way over here? Party is that way.”
Pink stained his olive cheeks. “Yeah, sorry. I drove in along the road and it led me here. I didn’t notice the party until I got out, but then I got distracted by the bulls.” He pointed at Grave Digger. “He’s a beauty.”
Despite the fact Digger wasn’t my bull, I still found a sense of pride washed over me. This place had become my home so quickly, and I’d been caring for these animals for months now. I was already a bit attached to them. Especially Grave Digger since I’d gotten the honor of taking him to his first pro rodeo. I had a soft spot for the drooly, hulking animal. “He is,” I agreed with Felix. “Mean, grumpy bugger, but he’s going to be a champion one day. WBRA has already called him up, and Frost had a big offer on him recently.”
“Yeah?” Felix asked, eye running over him. “He selling?”
“Nah. He was offered fifty thousand, but he turned it down.”
Felix’s eyes widened. “Shit, fifty K? You’re kidding?”
“You haven’t seen him kick. And he’s young. Got a lot of rides left in him yet, then years of breeding. Frost was smart to keep him if you ask me.”
Felix whistled low under his breath. “Ah, to be in the position to turn down a fifty K payday, huh?”
I was a tad uncomfortable about discussing my boss’s finances. I knew they weren’t rich by any stretch of the imagination, but that was confidential information. Not something I was going to share with Felix. So thinking about the measly five hundred in my own account, I laughed it off. “Tell me about it.”
Felix raised a hand and waved, and I realized he was waving at Summer, who was motioning us over.
“Food must be ready. You coming?” I was eager to get back to my girl.
“I’m about ready to gnaw my own arm off. Hell yes, I’m coming.”
Felix followed me over to the party, the two of us walking side by side.
Frost glanced up from the bowl of chips he was picking from. “Who’s your friend, Dom?” He put a hand out for Felix to shake. “Kai Hunt.”
Felix shook his hand with a strong grip. “No introduction needed, sir. I know who you are. You won five WBRA titles. You’re a legend.”
Kai’s cheeks flushed pink. “I think it was only four, but thank you. And you are…?”
Now it was Felix’s turn to go awkward. “Oh, sorry. Felix Kaur. I’m Dom’s—”
He froze and waited for me.
I cleared my throat. “He’s my…brother.”
Kai’s eyebrows shot sky-high and his gaze darted between the two of us like he was at a tennis match while he put two and two together. “Well, holy shit.” He focused on me. “I didn’t know you were in contact with your biological family.”
I shook my head. “I’m not, really. Just Felix. He only lives a few hours away in Masonville. We’ve only just met.”
Frost’s face morphed into one of his rare smiles. “That’s awesome. I’m real happy for you. Good to have you here, Felix. Make sure you get some food, okay? And there’s drinks in the tub over there.”
Summer and her mom had disappeared, but I towed Felix around, introducing him to the twins, and Preston and the other cowboys. Apparently, Felix and Preston had ridden together in a couple of local rodeos a few years back, and the two of them fell deep into conversation about a mutual friend. But I was only half listening, wondering where Summer had disappeared to.
I wandered inside and found Addie with a set of keys in her hand, her purse slung over her shoulder.
“Escaping the party already?” I joked.
She shook her head. “Just need to pick, uh, something up. I’ll be back soon.”
“Sure. Have you seen Summer, though? She’s disappeared.”
She jerked her head toward the stairs that led up to the second story of their home. “She got oil spatter on her shirt. I think she’s just getting changed.”
“Oh, okay. Well, I’ll just wait for her outside then, I guess.”
Addie cocked her head to one side with a laugh. “Or you could just go on up there, because I know that’s exactly what you’re going to do the moment I leave.”
Well, shit. That was awkward.
“What?” I croaked feebly, wishing the ground would swallow me up whole. Because she was right. That was exactly what I’d been thinking about doing. I felt like a little kid who’d just been caught sticking his hand in the cookie jar.
She rolled her eyes. “You think I haven’t noticed that my daughter has been barely home for the last week? You think I haven’t noticed her sneaking back from the cabins every morning?”
“Errr.” We’d been more careful after that first time we’d spent the whole night together. I’d set an early alarm, and Summer had been leaving before the sunrise to go back to the main house.
Addie patted me on the arm. “Stop being so worried. You think I’m not thrilled about this finally happening for the two of you?”
“Do you remember the night you came to visit, and Summer was going to her prom?”
How could I forget? I still had the image of Summer in that dress ingrained into my memory.
Addie smiled knowingly. “I watched you fall in love with her in that moment.”
I shook my head. “I wasn’t—”
But we both knew I was. I had fal
len for her in a single instant. Then I’d kept it to myself for years because I knew I wasn’t what she wanted.
But I was now.
“I’m going to go upstairs,” I told Addie.
She smiled. “About time. You’re good for her, Dom. I hope it works for the two of you. And tell her to quit coming home in the mornings and just take some clothes to your place, will you? She’s about as discreet as a bull in a china shop, and I’m sick of her waking me up before dawn.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I agreed. “I’ll tell her.”
Summer would die of embarrassment. But I’d get to keep her that little bit longer each morning, so I was sure she’d get over it pretty quickly.
A knock at my door had me clutching my stained shirt over my bra. “Getting changed!”
“Why do you think I’m here?”
The laughter in Dom’s voice was clear, even through the door. I opened it, glancing down the empty hallway, then yanked him inside. “What are you doing up here?”
He shrugged, pulling my shirt from my hands and dropping it on the floor. His dark-brown gaze rolled over me, resting on the swell of my cleavage, then dipping lower to the tiny pair of shorts I was wearing. “You disappeared, so I came searching.”
I shoved my hands on my hips. “This is your party. You can’t just leave it.”
“Says who?” He moved in slowly, stalking me from across the room like he was a panther, and I was a gazelle. But screw being a gazelle, running for its life. The glint in Dom’s eyes lit me up. I wanted to be caught. His finger trailed down my arm, until his fingers circled my wrist, pressing over my pulse point which was suddenly beating faster than normal.
“Your mom knows about us by the way.”
“What?” I yelped.
“Mmm-hmm,” he murmured, brushing his lips over my bare shoulder. “She said to tell you to just bring some clothes to my place so you can stop coming home every morning.”
I squeezed my eyes shut. “Ugh. She did not really say that to you.”